Certified Dreamwork Facilitator

Amy Curran


“Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens,” -Carl Jung

Inner Dreamwork is for those with a curiosity about their nocturnal dreams, and an interest in exploring the unconscious. In group and individual sessions, Amy Curran facilitates participants in discovering how the imagery and emotions of dreams can provide insight into waking life. Sessions and workshops are currently being held virtually on Zoom, by phone or FaceTime.


EXPLORE THE DREAm Discover inner meaning create new connections

How does dreamwork differ from dream interpretation?

Dreamwork differs from classical dream interpretation, in that the aim is to explore the various images the dream presents and the emotions they evoke, while not attempting to come up with a standard dream meaning. In this way the dream remains "alive" whereas if it has been assigned a specific meaning, it is "finished". In my practice, we explore these various dream images and emotions in small group or individual sessions. The dreamer may gain an understanding of their dream from various offerings or reflections, by tapping into the felt sense of the inner meaning of the dream. The dream often retains its capacity to provide continual insight for the dreamer, as it develops over time.

How can dreamwork benefit my waking life?

A dream is a series of images and emotions that, when explored, can enhance our lives. In dreamwork groups and individual sessions, we will experience how dreams can:

  • Help support us during life transitions.

  • Change the ways in which we regard our past.

  • Offer healing for past wounds.

  • Provide insight, direction and reassurance for our paths in life.

  • Reveal new perspectives on situations in waking life.

What can I expect and how do I get started?

A participant who tends to their dreams by keeping a dream journal and sharing their dreams with others in a safe and confidential group setting, can expect to gain rich insight through reflection. In addition, we will explore the dream using creative tools such as collage, poetry, and amplification. Join one of my six-week dreamwork group sessions, currently being held virtually on Zoom. These sessions are often renewed to maximize participation, personal attention, and to continue to go deeper with the group process. I also offer virtual individual sessions, where you can explore your dreams one-on-one and begin to reap the rich benefits of the inner meaning of your dreams. Additionally, for those who are new to dreamwork, my half-day Zoom workshop on ‘Listening to Our Dreams’ may be a good place to start exploring your nocturnal dreams.